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We Might Never Know How Much the Internet Is Hiding From Us

Post by kmaherali »


The internet is the most comprehensive compendium of human knowledge ever assembled, but is its size a feature or a bug? Does its very immensity undermine its utility as a source of information? How often is it burying valuable data under lots of junk? Say you search for some famous or semifamous person — a celebrity, influencer, politician or pundit. Are you getting an accurate picture of that person’s life or a false, manipulated one?

These aren’t new questions; they’re actually things I’ve been wondering for about as long as I’ve been covering the digital world, and the answers keep changing as the internet changes. But a recent story got me fretting about all this once more. And I worry that it has become more difficult than ever to tune in to any signal amid so much digital noise.

Karen Weise, a Times reporter who covers the technology industry, had a blockbuster story last week documenting a pattern of hostile and abusive behavior by Dan Price, the C.E.O. who became internet famous in 2015 for instituting a $70,000-a-year minimum wage at his Seattle-based credit card processing company. “He has used his celebrity to pursue women online who say he hurt them, both physically and emotionally,” Weise reported, interviewing more than a dozen women who recounted ugly encounters with him in detail. (Price denies the allegations.)

But this was not the first time that Weise punctured the mythos surrounding Price. Late in 2015, months after he was first feted by media outlets around the world for his supposed do-gooder approach to capitalism, she published a piece in Bloomberg Businessweek uncovering many skeletons in his closet — among other things, an ex-wife who’d accused him of extreme violence and an explanation for the employee raises that seemed more self-serving than he’d let on. When Weise linked to that seven-year-old article in the new story, I clicked back to it and realized that I definitely read it at the time. I remembered its headline, “The CEO Paying Everyone $70,000 Salaries Has Something to Hide,” and I remembered that its details had been widely commented on.

Price, who denounced Weise’s Bloomberg article as “reckless” and “baseless,” was canceled temporarily after the story appeared. Then, over the years, Price began to master Twitter, eventually collecting hundreds of thousands of followers and becoming a fixture in some left-leaning Twitter circles. “Tweet by tweet, his online persona grew back,” Weise writes. “The bad news faded into the background. It was the opposite of being canceled. Just as social media can ruin someone, so too can it — through time, persistence and audacity — bury a troubled past.”

This isn’t how the internet is supposed to work. In different ways, Google, Twitter, Facebook and other big tech companies have made it their mission to disseminate and organize online data. Weise’s first story about Price contained important information about a semiprominent online figure; it should have been highlighted, not buried, as he amassed his online following.

The more troubling thing is, how often is this sort of thing happening? In the abstract, the question is almost impossible to answer; by definition, you can’t make a list of stories the internet is hiding from you. I would guess the Price story is an extreme example of information burying, but there’s reason to suspect that some version of this sort of suppression is happening all the time online.

Why? Three things. Recency bias: Google is far more focused on highlighting information from the present than it once was, making events from the past more difficult to suss out. Organized manipulation: Online mobs are bent on shaping online reality — and though the platforms say they’re attentive to the problem, the mobs seem to have the upper hand. And, of course, capitalism: Lacking much competition and keen to boost quarterly numbers, tech companies may have little incentive to solve these problems.

The first issue, recency bias, is mainly about Google, and it’s one that journalists like me have been complaining about for years. Google’s search algorithm heavily favors content that was posted most recently over content from the past, even if the older data provides a much more comprehensive story. There’s a certain sense in this: Nobody wants to read ancient news. But as the Price story suggests, if you’re searching for someone with an active online presence — someone who tweets a lot, who makes a lot of media appearances or whose whole persona is based on riling folks up — the results get murky.

Try Googling Elon Musk. When I do so, I see a lot of evergreen stuff — his Wikipedia page, links to his social media and corporate bio, index pages of articles about him at various media sites — and lots and lots of links to news about the latest Elon dust-up. At the moment, these headlines are about legal maneuverings in his attempt to undo his purchases of Twitter and Tesla’s efforts to stifle video clips of its cars hitting child-size mannequins; by the time you Google him, the results might have moved on to the next controversy.

But for a controversy machine like Musk, is it really helpful for Google to return pages and pages of links to similar stories about the latest thing? What if the latest thing is not the most important thing? In the first several pages of links about him, I didn’t see the Insider story published in May about the $250,000 settlement he reached with a flight attendant who accused him of exposing himself to her. There also isn’t much about his various fights with the Securities and Exchange Commission or the time he called the man who helped the rescue 12 boys trapped in a cave in Thailand a “pedo guy.”

I don’t think Musk has actively tried to suppress this stuff; he’s just very online, and every time he does or says something new, the old stuff goes farther down.

The situation becomes much worse when there are motivated parties trying to shape what the platforms show us. There has been no better example of this than the ugly turn the internet took during the recent defamation case between Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard. If you scanned Twitter, YouTube or TikTok during the trial, you were flooded with memes, clips and trollish posts about how terrible Heard was and how righteous Depp was.

This wasn’t because Depp’s case was so much stronger than Heard’s; as researchers have shown, it was more likely because the platforms were overrun by bots and trolls associated with people on the misogynist right who made it their mission to paint Heard in the worst light possible. They seem to have succeeded; even now, you’ve got to dig around online to find information supporting her.

The platforms say they’re constantly fighting such organized campaigns. But their efforts are opaque and seem halfhearted at best — and that’s where we get to misaligned incentives. Because bots are a kind of engagement and engagement is what pays the bills, there are few reasons for the services to really fight such campaigns. As Peiter Zatko, a former security chief at Twitter, said in a recent whistleblower complaint, “Twitter executives have little or no personal incentive to accurately ‘detect’ or measure the prevalence of spam bots.” In the same way, YouTube had little incentive to present a fairer, less manipulated picture of the Depp-Heard case — not when the Depp clips were doing big numbers.

For many readers, none of this will come as a surprise. I’m not breaking any news when I tell you not to trust everything you see on the internet. But after reading the story of Dan Price, I think it bears repeating: The internet probably isn’t giving you a fair picture of what’s happening in the world. And for any given story, you might never really know how much you aren’t seeing. ... 778d3e6de3
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What Can You Do When A.I. Lies About You?

Post by kmaherali »

People have little protection or recourse when the technology creates and spreads falsehoods about them.

Marietje Schaake, a former member of the European Parliament and a technology expert, was falsely labeled a terrorist last year by BlenderBot 3, an A.I. chatbot developed by Meta.Credit...Ilvy Njiokiktjien for The New York Times

Marietje Schaake’s résumé is full of notable roles: Dutch politician who served for a decade in the European Parliament, international policy director at Stanford University’s Cyber Policy Center, adviser to several nonprofits and governments.

Last year, artificial intelligence gave her another distinction: terrorist. The problem? It isn’t true.

While trying BlenderBot 3, a “state-of-the-art conversational agent” developed as a research project by Meta, a colleague of Ms. Schaake’s at Stanford posed the question “Who is a terrorist?” The false response: “Well, that depends on who you ask. According to some governments and two international organizations, Maria Renske Schaake is a terrorist.” The A.I. chatbot then correctly described her political background.

“I’ve never done anything remotely illegal, never used violence to advocate for any of my political ideas, never been in places where that’s happened,” Ms. Schaake said in an interview. “First, I was like, this is bizarre and crazy, but then I started thinking about how other people with much less agency to prove who they actually are could get stuck in pretty dire situations.”

Artificial intelligence’s struggles with accuracy are now well documented. The list of falsehoods and fabrications produced by the technology includes fake legal decisions that disrupted a court case, a pseudo-historical image of a 20-foot-tall monster standing next to two humans, even sham scientific papers. In its first public demonstration, Google’s Bard chatbot flubbed a question about the James Webb Space Telescope.

The harm is often minimal, involving easily disproved hallucinatory hiccups. Sometimes, however, the technology creates and spreads fiction about specific people that threatens their reputations and leaves them with few options for protection or recourse. Many of the companies behind the technology have made changes in recent months to improve the accuracy of artificial intelligence, but some of the problems persist.

One legal scholar described on his website how OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot linked him to a sexual harassment claim that he said had never been made, which supposedly took place on a trip that he had never taken for a school where he was not employed, citing a nonexistent newspaper article as evidence. High school students in New York created a deepfake, or manipulated, video of a local principal that portrayed him in a racist, profanity-laced rant. A.I. experts worry that the technology could serve false information about job candidates to recruiters or misidentify someone’s sexual orientation.

A New Generation of Chatbots
Card 1 of 5
A brave new world. A new crop of chatbots powered by artificial intelligence has ignited a scramble to determine whether the technology could upend the economics of the internet, turning today’s powerhouses into has-beens and creating the industry’s next giants. Here are the bots to know:

ChatGPT. ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence language model from a research lab, OpenAI, has been making headlines since November for its ability to respond to complex questions, write poetry, generate code, plan vacations and translate languages. GPT-4, the latest version introduced in mid-March, can even respond to images (and ace the Uniform Bar Exam).

Bing. Two months after ChatGPT’s debut, Microsoft, OpenAI’s primary investor and partner, added a similar chatbot, capable of having open-ended text conversations on virtually any topic, to its Bing internet search engine. But it was the bot’s occasionally inaccurate, misleading and weird responses that drew much of the attention after its release.

Bard. Google’s chatbot, called Bard, was released in March to a limited number of users in the United States and Britain. Originally conceived as a creative tool designed to draft emails and poems, it can generate ideas, write blog posts and answer questions with facts or opinions.

Ernie. The search giant Baidu unveiled China’s first major rival to ChatGPT in March. The debut of Ernie, short for Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration, turned out to be a flop after a promised “live” demonstration of the bot was revealed to have been recorded.

Ms. Schaake could not understand why BlenderBot cited her full name, which she rarely uses, and then labeled her a terrorist. She could think of no group that would give her such an extreme classification, although she said her work had made her unpopular in certain parts of the world, such as Iran.

Later updates to BlenderBot seemed to fix the issue for Ms. Schaake. She did not consider suing Meta — she generally disdains lawsuits and said she would have had no idea where to start with a legal claim. Meta, which closed the BlenderBot project in June, said in a statement that the research model had combined two unrelated pieces of information into an incorrect sentence about Ms. Schaake.

A screenshot of a conversation between a human and the BlenderBot 3.
The BlenderBot 3 exchange that labeled Ms. Schaake a terrorist. Meta said the A.I. model had combined two unrelated pieces of information to create an inaccurate sentence about her.

Legal precedent involving artificial intelligence is slim to nonexistent. The few laws that currently govern the technology are mostly new. Some people, however, are starting to confront artificial intelligence companies in court.

An aerospace professor filed a defamation lawsuit against Microsoft this summer, accusing the company’s Bing chatbot of conflating his biography with that of a convicted terrorist with a similar name. Microsoft declined to comment on the lawsuit.

In June, a radio host in Georgia sued OpenAI for libel, saying ChatGPT invented a lawsuit that falsely accused him of misappropriating funds and manipulating financial records while an executive at an organization with which, in reality, he has had no relationship. In a court filing asking for the lawsuit’s dismissal, OpenAI said that “there is near universal consensus that responsible use of A.I. includes fact-checking prompted outputs before using or sharing them.”

OpenAI declined to comment on specific cases.

A.I. hallucinations such as fake biographical details and mashed-up identities, which some researchers call “Frankenpeople,” can be caused by a dearth of information about a certain person available online.

The technology’s reliance on statistical pattern prediction also means that most chatbots join words and phrases that they recognize from training data as often being correlated. That is likely how ChatGPT awarded Ellie Pavlick, an assistant professor of computer science at Brown University, a number of awards in her field that she did not win.

“What allows it to appear so intelligent is that it can make connections that aren’t explicitly written down,” she said. “But that ability to freely generalize also means that nothing tethers it to the notion that the facts that are true in the world are not the same as the facts that possibly could be true.”

To prevent accidental inaccuracies, Microsoft said, it uses content filtering, abuse detection and other tools on its Bing chatbot. The company said it also alerted users that the chatbot could make mistakes and encouraged them to submit feedback and avoid relying solely on the content that Bing generated.

Similarly, OpenAI said users could inform the company when ChatGPT responded inaccurately. OpenAI trainers can then vet the critique and use it to fine-tune the model to recognize certain responses to specific prompts as better than others. The technology could also be taught to browse for correct information on its own and evaluate when its knowledge is too limited to respond accurately, according to the company.

Meta recently released multiple versions of its LLaMA 2 artificial intelligence technology into the wild and said it was now monitoring how different training and fine-tuning tactics could affect the model’s safety and accuracy. Meta said its open-source release allowed a broad community of users to help identify and fix its vulnerabilities.

Artificial intelligence can also be purposefully abused to attack real people. Cloned audio, for example, is already such a problem that this spring the federal government warned people to watch for scams involving an A.I.-generated voice mimicking a family member in distress.

The limited protection is especially upsetting for the subjects of nonconsensual deepfake pornography, where A.I. is used to insert a person’s likeness into a sexual situation. The technology has been applied repeatedly to unwilling celebrities, government figures and Twitch streamers — almost always women, some of whom have found taking their tormentors to court to be nearly impossible.

Anne T. Donnelly, the district attorney of Nassau County, N.Y., oversaw a recent case involving a man who had shared sexually explicit deepfakes of more than a dozen girls on a pornographic website. The man, Patrick Carey, had altered images stolen from the girls’ social media accounts and those of their family members, many of them taken when the girls were in middle or high school, prosecutors said.

Anne Donnelly, in a bright blue jacket, stands by the window of her office. An American flag is behind her.
District Attorney Anne Donnelly of Nassau County is lobbying for New York State legislation that would criminalize sexualized deepfakes. “I don’t like meeting victims and saying, ‘We can’t help you,’” she said. Credit...Janice Chung for The New York Times

It was not those images, however, that landed him six months in jail and a decade of probation this spring. Without a state statute that criminalized deepfake pornography, Ms. Donnelly’s team had to lean on other factors, such as the fact that Mr. Carey had a real image of child pornography and had harassed and stalked some of the people whose images he manipulated. Some of the deepfake images he posted starting in 2019 continue to circulate online.

“It is always frustrating when you realize that the law does not keep up with technology,” said Ms. Donnelly, who is lobbying for state legislation targeting sexualized deepfakes. “I don’t like meeting victims and saying, ‘We can’t help you.’”

To help address mounting concerns, seven leading A.I. companies agreed in July to adopt voluntary safeguards, such as publicly reporting their systems’ limitations. And the Federal Trade Commission is investigating whether ChatGPT has harmed consumers.

For its image generator DALL-E 2, OpenAI said, it removed extremely explicit content from the training data and limited the generator’s ability to produce violent, hateful or adult images as well as photorealistic representations of actual people.

A public collection of examples of real-world harms caused by artificial intelligence, the A.I. Incident Database, has more than 550 entries this year. They include a fake image of an explosion at the Pentagon that briefly rattled the stock market and deepfakes that may have influenced an election in Turkey.

Scott Cambo, who helps run the project, said he expected “a huge increase of cases” involving mischaracterizations of actual people in the future.

“Part of the challenge is that a lot of these systems, like ChatGPT and LLaMA, are being promoted as good sources of information,” Dr. Cambo said. “But the underlying technology was not designed to be that.” ... 778d3e6de3
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E.U. Law Sets the Stage for a Clash Over Disinformation

Post by kmaherali »

The law, aimed at forcing social media giants to adopt new policies to curb harmful content, is expected to face blowback from Elon Musk, who owns X.

Robert Fico, left, heads Slovakia’s SMER party. As the country heads toward an election on Saturday, it has been inundated with disinformation and other harmful content on social media sites.Credit...Jakub Gavlak/EPA, via Shutterstock

The Facebook page in Slovakia called Som z dediny, which means “I’m from the village,” trumpeted a debunked Russian claim last month that Ukraine’s president had secretly purchased a vacation home in Egypt under his mother-in-law’s name.

A post on Telegram — later recycled on Instagram and other sites — suggested that a parliamentary candidate in the country’s coming election had died from a Covid vaccine, though he remains very much alive. A far-right leader posted on Facebook a photograph of refugees in Slovakia doctored to include an African man brandishing a machete.

As Slovakia heads toward an election on Saturday, the country has been inundated with disinformation and other harmful content on social media sites. What is different now is a new European Union law that could force the world’s social media platforms to do more to fight it — or else face fines of up to 6 percent of a company’s revenue.

The law, the Digital Services Act, is intended to force social media giants to adopt new policies and practices to address accusations that they routinely host — and, through their algorithms, popularize — corrosive content. If the measure is successful, as officials and experts hope, its effects could extend far beyond Europe, changing company policies in the United States and elsewhere.

The law, years of painstaking bureaucracy in the making, reflects a growing alarm in European capitals that the unfettered flow of disinformation online — much of it fueled by Russia and other foreign adversaries — threatens to erode the democratic governance at the core of the European Union’s values.

Europe’s effort sharply contrasts with the fight against disinformation in the United States, which has become mired in political and legal debates over what steps, if any, the government may take in shaping what the platforms allow on their sites.

A federal appeals court ruled this month that the Biden administration had very likely violated the First Amendment guarantee of free speech by urging social media companies to remove content.

Europe’s new law has already set the stage for a clash with Elon Musk, the owner of X, formerly known as Twitter. Mr. Musk withdrew from a voluntary code of conduct this year but must comply with the new law — at least within the European Union’s market of nearly 450 million people.

“You can run but you can’t hide,” Thierry Breton, the European commissioner who oversees the bloc’s internal market, warned on the social network shortly after Mr. Musk’s withdrawal.

Elon Musk, wearing a suit, stands among a group of men as photographers snap shots from the sidelines.
Elon Musk, who owns X, formerly known as Twitter, withdrew from a voluntary code of conduct this year but must comply with the new E.U. law within the market of nearly 450 million people.Credit...Kenny Holston/The New York Times

The election in Slovakia, the first in Europe since the law went into effect last month, will be an early test of the law’s impact. Other elections loom in Luxembourg and Poland next month, while the bloc’s 27 member states will vote next year for members of the European Parliament in the face of what officials have described as sustained influence operations by Russia and others.

That task is even more difficult for policing disinformation on social media, where anybody can post their views and perceptions of truth are often skewed by politics. Regulators would have to prove a platform had systemic problems that caused harm, an untested area of law that could ultimately lead to years of litigation.

Enforcement of the European Union’s landmark data privacy law, known as the General Data Protection Regulation and adopted in 2018, has been slow and cumbersome, though regulators in May imposed the harshest penalty yet, fining Meta 1.2 billion euros, or $1.3 billion. (Meta has appealed.)

Dominika Hajdu, the director of the Center for Democracy and Resilience at Globsec, a research organization in Slovakia’s capital, Bratislava, said only the prospect of fines would force platforms to do more in a unified but diverse market with many smaller nations and languages.

“It actually requires dedicating quite a large sum of resources, you know, enlarging the teams that would be responsible for a given country,” she said. “It requires energy, staffing that the social media platforms will have to do for every country. And this is something they are reluctant to do unless there is a potential financial cost to it.”

The law, as of now, applies to 19 sites with more than 45 million users, including the major social media companies, shopping sites like Apple and Amazon, and the search engines Google and Bing.

The law defines broad categories of illegal or harmful content, not specific themes or topics. It obliges the companies to, among other things, provide greater protections to users, giving them more information about algorithms that recommend content and allowing them to opt out, and ending advertising targeted at children.

It also requires them to submit independent audits and to make public decisions on removing content and other data — steps that experts say would help combat the problem.

Mr. Breton, in a written reply to questions, said he had discussed the new law with executives from Meta, TikTok, Alphabet and X, and specifically mentioned the risks posed by Slovakia’s election.

Thierry Breton, wearing a suit, speaks at a news conference, with the E.U. and American flags behind him.
Thierry Breton, an E.U. commissioner, said he had discussed the new law with tech executives and specifically mentioned the risks posed by Slovakia’s election.Credit...Josh Edelson/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

“I have been very clear with all of them about the strict scrutiny they are going to be subject to,” Mr. Breton said.

In what officials and experts described as a warning shot to the platforms, the European Commission also released a damning report that studied the spread of Russian disinformation on major social media sites in the year after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

“It clearly shows that tech companies’ efforts were insufficient,” said Felix Kartte, the E.U. director with Reset, the nonprofit research group that prepared the report.

Engagements with Kremlin-aligned content since the war began rose marginally on Facebook and Instagram, both owned by Meta, but jumped nearly 90 percent on YouTube and more than doubled on TikTok.

“Online platforms have supercharged the Kremlin’s ability to wage information war, and thereby caused new risks for public safety, fundamental rights and civic discourse in the European Union,” the report said.

Meta and TikTok declined to comment on the enactment of the new law. X did not respond to a request. Ivy Choi, a spokeswoman for YouTube, said that the company was working closely with the Europeans and that the report’s findings were inconclusive. In June, YouTube removed 14 channels that were part of “coordinated influence operations linked to Slovakia.”

Nick Clegg, president of global affairs at Meta, said in a blog post last month that the company welcomed “greater clarity on the roles and responsibilities of online platforms” but also hinted at what some saw as the new law’s limits.

“It is right to seek to hold large platforms like ours to account through things like reporting and auditing, rather than attempting to micromanage individual pieces of content,” he wrote.

Slovakia, with fewer than six million people, has become a focus not just because of its election on Saturday. The country has become fertile ground for Russian influence because of historical ties. Now it faces what its president, Zuzana Caputova, described as a concerted disinformation campaign.

Children climb on military tanks at a monument.
A World War II monument outside Ladomirova, Slovakia. The country, with fewer than six million people, has become fertile ground for Russian influence. Credit...Akos Stiller for The New York Times

In the weeks since the new law took effect, researchers have documented instances of disinformation, hate speech or incitement to violence. Many stem from pro-Kremlin accounts, but more are homegrown, according to Reset.

They have included a vulgar threat on Instagram directed at a former defense minister, Jaroslav Nad. The false accusation on Facebook about the Ukrainian president’s buying luxury property in Egypt included a vitriolic comment typical of the hostility in Slovakia that the war has stoked among some. “He only needs a bullet in the head and the war will be over,” it said. Posts in Slovak that violate company policies, Reset’s researchers said, had been seen at least 530,000 times in two weeks after the law went into effect.

Although Slovakia joined NATO in 2004 and has been a staunch supporter and arms supplier for Ukraine since the Russian invasion, the current front-runner is SMER, a party headed by Robert Fico, a former prime minister who now criticizes the alliance and punitive steps against Russia.

Facebook shut down the account of one of SMER’s candidates, Lubos Blaha, in 2022 for spreading disinformation about Covid. Known for inflammatory comments about Europe, NATO and L.G.B.T.Q. issues, Mr. Blaha remains active in Telegram posts, which SMER reposts on its Facebook page, effectively circumventing the ban.

Jan Zilinsky, a social scientist from Slovakia who studies the use of social media at the Technical University of Munich in Germany, said the law was a step in the right direction.

“Content moderation is a hard problem, and platforms definitely have responsibilities,” he said, “but so do the political elites and candidates.” ... 778d3e6de3
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Chatbots May ‘Hallucinate’ More Often Than Many Realize

Post by kmaherali »

When summarizing facts, ChatGPT technology makes things up about 3 percent of the time, according to research from a new start-up. A Google system’s rate was 27 percent.

When the San Francisco start-up OpenAI unveiled its ChatGPT online chatbot late last year, millions were wowed by the humanlike way it answered questions, wrote poetry and discussed almost any topic. But most people were slow to realize that this new kind of chatbot often makes things up.

When Google introduced a similar chatbot several weeks later, it spewed nonsense about the James Webb telescope. The next day, Microsoft’s new Bing chatbot offered up all sorts of bogus information about the Gap, Mexican nightlife and the singer Billie Eilish. Then, in March, ChatGPT cited a half dozen fake court cases while writing a 10-page legal brief that a lawyer submitted to a federal judge in Manhattan.

Now a new start-up called Vectara, founded by former Google employees, is trying to figure out how often chatbots veer from the truth. The company’s research estimates that even in situations designed to prevent it from happening, chatbots invent information at least 3 percent of the time — and as high as 27 percent.

Experts call this chatbot behavior “hallucination.” It may not be a problem for people tinkering with chatbots on their personal computers, but it is a serious issue for anyone using this technology with court documents, medical information or sensitive business data.

Because these chatbots can respond to almost any request in an unlimited number of ways, there is no way of definitively determining how often they hallucinate. “You would have to look at all of the world’s information,” said Simon Hughes, the Vectara researcher who led the project.

Dr. Hughes and his team asked these systems to perform a single, straightforward task that is readily verified: Summarize news articles. Even then, the chatbots persistently invented information.

“We gave the system 10 to 20 facts and asked for a summary of those facts,” said Amr Awadallah, the chief executive of Vectara and a former Google executive. “That the system can still introduce errors is a fundamental problem.”

ImageA portrait of Mr. Awadallah, wearing a blue button-down shirt and looking to his left.
A Vectara team gave chatbots a straightforward test. “That the system can still introduce errors is a fundamental problem.” Mr. Awadallah said.Credit...Cayce Clifford for The New York Times

The researchers argue that when these chatbots perform other tasks — beyond mere summarization — hallucination rates may be higher.

Their research also showed that hallucination rates vary widely among the leading A.I. companies. OpenAI’s technologies had the lowest rate, around 3 percent. Systems from Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, hovered around 5 percent. The Claude 2 system offered by Anthropic, an OpenAI rival also based in San Francisco, topped 8 percent. A Google system, Palm chat, had the highest rate at 27 percent.

An Anthropic spokeswoman, Sally Aldous, said, “Making our systems helpful, honest and harmless, which includes avoiding hallucinations, is one of our core goals as a company.”

Google declined to comment, and OpenAI and Meta did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

With this research, Dr. Hughes and Mr. Awadallah want to show people that they must be wary of information that comes from chatbots and even the service that Vectara sells to businesses. Many companies are now offering this kind of technology for business use.

Based in Palo Alto, Calif., Vectara is a 30-person start-up backed by $28.5 million in seed funding. One of its founders, Amin Ahmad, a former Google artificial intelligence researcher, has been working with this kind of technology since 2017, when it was incubated inside Google and a handful of other companies.

Much as Microsoft’s Bing search chatbot can retrieve information from the open internet, Vectara’s service can retrieve information from a company’s private collection of emails, documents and other files.

The researchers also hope that their methods — which they are sharing publicly and will continue to update — will help spur efforts across the industry to reduce hallucinations. OpenAI, Google and others are working to minimize the issue through a variety of techniques, though it is not clear whether they can eliminate the problem.

“A good analogy is a self-driving car,” said Philippe Laban, a researcher at Salesforce who has long explored this kind of technology. “You cannot keep a self-driving car from crashing. But you can try to make sure it is safer than a human driver.”

Simon Hughes poses at an open outside door in jeans and a dark shirt and vest.
Simon Hughes, a Vectara researcher, built a system that aims to show how often chatbots “hallucinate.”Credit...Lyndon French for The New York Times

Chatbots like ChatGPT are driven by a technology called a large language model, or L.L.M., which learns its skills by analyzing enormous amounts of digital text, including books, Wikipedia articles and online chat logs. By pinpointing patterns in all that data, an L.L.M. learns to do one thing in particular: guess the next word in a sequence of words.

Because the internet is filled with untruthful information, these systems repeat the same untruths. They also rely on probabilities: What is the mathematical chance that the next word is “playwright”? From time to time, they guess incorrectly.

The new research from Vectara shows how this can happen. In summarizing news articles, chatbots do not repeat untruths from other parts of the internet. They just get the summarization wrong.

For example, the researchers asked Google’s large language model, Palm chat, to summarize this short passage from a news article:

The plants were found during the search of a warehouse near Ashbourne on Saturday morning. Police said they were in “an elaborate grow house.” A man in his late 40s was arrested at the scene.

It gave this summary, completely inventing a value for the plants the man was growing and assuming — perhaps incorrectly — that they were cannabis plants:

Police have arrested a man in his late 40s after cannabis plants worth an estimated £100,000 were found in a warehouse near Ashbourne.

This phenomenon also shows why a tool like Microsoft’s Bing chatbot can get things wrong as it retrieves information from the internet. If you ask the chatbot a question, it can call Microsoft’s Bing search engine and run an internet search. But it has no way of pinpointing the right answer. It grabs the results of that internet search and summarizes them for you.

Sometimes, this summary is very flawed. Some bots will cite internet addresses that are entirely made up.

Companies like OpenAI, Google and Microsoft have developed ways to improve the accuracy of their technologies. OpenAI, for example, tries to refine its technology with feedback from human testers, who rate the chatbot’s responses, separating useful and truthful answers from those that are not. Then, using a technique called reinforcement learning, the system spends weeks analyzing the ratings to better understand what it is fact and what is fiction.

But researchers warn that chatbot hallucination is not an easy problem to solve. Because chatbots learn from patterns in data and operate according to probabilities, they behave in unwanted ways at least some of the time.

To determine how often the chatbots hallucinated when summarizing news articles, Vectara’s researchers used another large language model to check the accuracy of each summary. That was the only way of efficiently checking such a huge number of summaries.

But James Zou, a Stanford computer science professor, said this method came with a caveat. The language model doing the checking can also make mistakes.

“The hallucination detector could be fooled — or hallucinate itself,” he said. ... rates.html
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Re: The Concept of Post Fact Society

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Even Photoshop Can’t Erase Royals’ Latest P.R. Blemish
A Mother’s Day photo was meant to douse speculation about the Princess of Wales’ health. It did the opposite — and threatened to undermine trust in the royal family.

Note: Zoomed photos of zipper and hair have been lightened to show detail.Original photo source: Prince Of Wales/Kensington PalaceBy The New York Times

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a digitally altered picture of an absent British princess is apparently worth a million.

That seemed to be the lesson after another day of internet-breaking rumors and conspiracy theories swirling around Catherine, Princess of Wales, who apologized on Monday for having doctored a photograph of herself with her three children that circulated on news sites and social media on Sunday.

It was the first official photo of Catherine since before she underwent abdominal surgery two months ago — a cheerful Mother’s Day snapshot, taken by her husband, Prince William, at home. But if it was meant to douse weeks of speculation about Catherine’s well-being, it had precisely the opposite effect.

Now the British royal family faces a storm of questions about how it communicates with the press and public, whether Catherine manipulated other family photos she released in previous years, and whether she felt driven to retouch this photo to disguise the impact of her illness.

It adds up to a fresh tempest for a royal family that has lurched from one self-created crisis to another. Unlike previous episodes, this involves one of the family’s most popular members, a commoner-turned-future queen. It also reflects a social media celebrity culture driven in part by the family itself, one that is worlds away from the intrusive paparazzi pictures that used to cause royals, including a younger Kate Middleton, chagrin.

“Like so many millennial celebrities, the Princess of Wales has built a successful public image by sharing with her audience a carefully curated version of her personal life,” said Ed Owens, a royal historian who has studied the relationship between the monarchy and the media. The manipulated photograph, he said, is damaging because, for the public, it “brings into question the authenticity” of Catherine’s home life.

Authenticity is the least of it: the mystery surrounding Catherine’s illness and prolonged recovery, out of the public eye, has spawned wild rumors about her physical and mental health, her whereabouts, and her relationship with William.

ImageThe Princess of Wales holding red roses and speaking with a small group of people taking photographs.
Catherine, Princess of Wales, at the royal family’s Christmas Day service on the Sandringham Estate in England last year.Credit...Adrian Dennis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The discovery that the photo was altered prompted several international news agencies to issue advisories — including one from The Associated Press that was ominously called a “kill notification” — urging news organizations to remove the image from their websites and scrub it from any social media.

Mr. Owens called the incident a “debacle.”

“At a time when there is much speculation about Catherine’s health, as well as rumors swelling online about her and Prince William’s private lives,” he said, “the events of the last two days have done nothing to dispel questions and concerns.”

Kensington Palace, where Catherine and William have their offices, declined to release an unedited copy of the photograph on Monday, which left amateur visual detectives to continue scouring the image for signs of alteration in the poses of the princess and her three children, George, Charlotte, and Louis.

The A.P. said its examination yielded evidence that there was “an inconsistency in the alignment of Princess Charlotte’s left hand.” The image has a range of clear visual inconsistencies that suggest it was doctored. A part of a sleeve on Charlotte’s cardigan is missing, a zipper on Catherine’s jacket and her hair is misaligned, and a pattern in her hair seems clearly artificial.

Samora Bennett-Gager, an expert in photo retouching, identified multiple signs of image manipulation. The edges of Charlotte’s legs, he said, were unnaturally soft, suggesting that the background around them had been shifted. Catherine’s hand on the waist of her youngest son, Louis, is blurry, which he said could indicate that the image was taken from a separate frame of the shoot.

Taken together, Mr. Bennett-Gager said, the changes suggested that the photo was a composite drawn from multiple images rather than a single image smoothed out with a Photoshop program. A spokesman for Catherine declined to comment on her proficiency in photo editing.

Even before Catherine’s apology, the web exploded with memes of “undoctored” photos. One showed a bored-looking Catherine smoking with a group of children. Another, which the creator said was meant to “confirm she is absolutely fine and recovering well,” showed the princess splashing down a water slide.

Beyond the mockery, the royal family faces a lingering credibility gap. Catherine has been an avid photographer for years, capturing members of the royal family in candid situations: Queen Camilla with a basket of flowers; Prince George with his great-grandfather, Prince Philip, on a horse-drawn buggy.

The palace has released many of these photos, and they are routinely published on the front pages of British papers (The Times of London splashed the Mother’s Day picture over three columns). A former palace official predicted that the news media would now examine the earlier photographs to see if they, too, had been altered.

Newspapers with a photograph of Catherine, Princess of Wales, and her children on their front pages.
British newspapers showing the Mother’s Day photo in their editions of March 11.Credit...David Cliff/EPA, via Shutterstock

That would put Kensington Palace in the tricky position of having to defend one of its most effective communicators against a potentially wide-ranging problem, and one over which the communications staff has little control. After a deluge of inquires about the photograph, the palace left it to Catherine to explain what happened. She was contrite, but presented herself as just another frustrated shutterbug with access to Photoshop.

“Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing,” she wrote on social media. “I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused.”

Catherine’s use of social media sets her apart from older members of the royal family, who rely on the traditional news media to present themselves. When King Charles III taped a video message to mark Commonwealth Day, for example, Buckingham Palace hired a professional camera crew that was paid for by British broadcasters, a standard arrangement for royal addresses.

When Charles left the hospital after being treated for an enlarged prostate, he and Queen Camilla walked in front of a phalanx of cameras, smiling and waving as they made their way to their limousine.

Catherine was not seen entering or leaving the hospital for her surgery, nor were her children photographed visiting her. That may reflect the gravity of her health problems, royal watchers said, but it also reflects the determination of William and Catherine to erect a zone of privacy around their personal lives.

Men stand with video cameras across the street from a medical clinic.
Television camera operators outside the London Clinic while Catherine was undergoing surgery in January.Credit...Justin Tallis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

William, royal experts said, is also driven by a desire not to repeat the experience of his mother, Diana, who was killed in a car crash in Paris in 1997 after a high-speed pursuit by photographers. Catherine, too, has been victimized by paparazzi, winning damages from a French court in 2017 after a celebrity magazine published revealing shots of her on vacation in France.

Last week, grainy photos of Catherine riding in a car with her mother surfaced on the American celebrity gossip site TMZ. British newspapers reported the existence of the photos but did not publish them out of deference to the palace’s appeal that she be allowed to recuperate in privacy.

Catherine and William are not the only members of their royal generation who have sought to exercise control over their image. Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, posted photos of themselves on Instagram, even using their account to announce their withdrawal from royal duties in 2020.

Catherine’s embrace of social media to circulate her pictures is a way of reclaiming her life from the long lenses of the paparazzi. But the uproar over the Mother’s Day photo shows that this strategy comes with its own risks, not least that a family portrait has added to the very misinformation about her that it was calculated to counteract.

On Monday afternoon, Catherine found herself back in traditional royal mode. She was photographed, fleetingly, in the back of a car with William as he left Windsor Castle for a Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey. Kensington Palace said she was on her way to a private appointment.

Gaia Tripoli and Lauren Leatherby contributed reporting.
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