
Discussion on doctrinal issues
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Post by saleemlakhani »

Ya-Ali madad,<BR><BR>If anyone can send me a really good article/material about Laila-tul-Qadr and its significance I'll really appreciate. I also need surah explaination.<BR><BR>Saleem&nbsp;
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Post by kmaherali »

There is an article in the RE section of this site at:

Man, the Crown of Creation, was created to acquire the knowledge of Allah and return unto his Creator, but he was not left alone to achieve this purpose and his supreme goal. Allah, in His Infinite Mercy, sent Prophets from time to time to different nations and to different races to guide people on the right path. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an :

"And there is not a nation but a warner has gone among them". (Chapter 35 -verse 24)
In the long chain of Prophets our Holy Prophet Muhammad is the last of all the Prophets and Allah made him a mercy for the whole of mankind. The Holy Qur'an says :

"And We have not sent thee but as a mercy to all the nations". (Chapter 21 -verse 107)
Hazrat Nabi Muhammad guided the unbelievers, the idol worshippers and those who had gone astray to the worship of Allah and completed his mission by guiding people to the recognition of Noor-e-Imamat in Hazrat Mowlana Murtaza Ali, which he said would continue to be a source of guidance to mankind through the descendants of Mowla Ali and Hazrat Bibi Fatima.

During the 23 years of his mission, Hazrat Nabi Muhammad received revelations from Allah which now form the Holy Qur'an. In this Divine Book there are 114 chapters called Suras and 6,353 verses called Ayats. The first revelation which came to our Prophet comprises of the first five Ayats of Suratul Alaq. The night on which these verses were revealed is known as LAIL-TUL QADR. On this night when our Holy Prophet was in the cave of Mount Hira, completely absorbed in the meditation of the All High the Merciful Allah, Angel Gibreel appeared and said: "Read". Our Holy Prophet replied: "I do not know to read." The third time when our Holy Prophet replied in the same manner to this repeated command, Hazrat Gibreel said: "(O Muhammad) Read! Read in the name of your Lord Who created Man from a clot. Read! your Lord is the most Honorable. He Who taught to write with the Pen, He Who taught Man what he knew not."

Lail-tul Qadr', the night when this first revelation came down to our Holy Prophet, is therefore
the night of the anniversary of the Holy Qur'an. This makes it a very important and, glorious night full of spiritual grace and bounties.

The word 'Lail-tul Qadr' is the combination of two Arabic words, 'Lail' and 'Qadr'. 'Lail' means 'Night' and 'Qadr' means 'Power' or 'Majesty'; 'Lail-tul Qadr' therefore means 'The Night of Power or Majesty'. The 97th chapter of the Holy Qur'an entitled 'Suratul-Qadr' speaks of the glory, power and blessings of this night. It says:

"Verily, We sent it (the Qur'an) in the Night of Qadr. What can make you know what the Night of Qadr is? The Night of Qadr is better than a thousand months! The Angels and the Spirit descend therein by the permission of their Lord with decrees of all affairs. Peace there is for the whole night till the breaking of the dawn".

This night falls in the month of Ramadhan and it is observed by the Muslims from 19th to 30th of this month. We Ismailis, in accordance with Imam's guidance, observe it on the 23rd night of Ramadhan.

It is reported that a man from the tribe of Bani Israel fought in the way of God for a thousand months and when this was referred to in the presence of our Holy Prophet, the Muslims inquired: "O Prophet of Allah! our life-span is much shorter than those of our ancestors. How can we earn such honor and benefits?" It is then that the chapter on Lail-tul Qadr was revealed and our Holy Prophet explained: "You have been blessed with something whereby you can gain much more benefits than what your ancestors earned".

innumerous and it is therefore said that "The Night of Qadr is better than a thousand months". The Prophet of Allah said: "He who sincerely and devotedly worships Allah on this Night, all his past sins will be forgiven". On yet another occasion our Prophet said: "In this month there comes a night which is better than a thousand months. He who stays away from this night is deprived of all the innumerous benefits. None but the unfortunate and misguided ones are deprived of the immense virtues of this night". When asked: "What should one pray for on this night", the Prophet said: "Say to your Lord, your Creator: 'O Allah! You are most Forgiving, and forgiving is what You like most; so disregard my errors and forgive me all my sins'."

The Glory and Majesty of this night cannot be explained in any human terms. This Night is an opportunity to open out our hearts unto Him Who revealed the Holy Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad, who, in turn, passed on Allah's Message to the people. Reminding the believers of the Holy Institution of Imamat, he had said: "I am leaving behind me two things. The Holy Qur'an and my posterity. Verily if you follow them both you will never go astray. Both are tied with a long rope and cannot be separated till the Day of Judgment." This night is therefore, not only the Anniversary Night of the Holy Qur'an, but it is also the Anniversary of Hazrat Nabi Muhammad's Prophethood and that of the dawn of the period of Manifest Imamat.

We are indeed very fortunate to have the recognition of Imam-e-Zaman, who is the Mazhar-e-Dhat-e-Allah, and whose guidance and blessings are a source of peace and security for us for both the worlds.

I, as our Prophet said that the unfortunate and misguided ones are deprived of the benefits of this Night, we must offer our thanksgiving to Allah that we are not of the misguided ones and rejoice in His blessings with which we have been favoured. Lail-tul Qadr is the night for repentance and meditation. It is the night when we should try to seek the pleasures of Allah and the Noorani Deedar of our Spiritual Lord. This Night is not given to us for mere outward celebrations and rejoicing. The sleep we are asked to sacrifice is not for pleasure and enjoyment; it is for gaining the Ma'rifat of Imam-e-Zaman. Dai Nasir-i Khusraw explains the significance of this night saying: " You illuminate the mosques on the Night of Qadr and make it as bright as the day, while your hearts are as dark as the darkest night. Know that illuminations are not enough. When you light the lamps, remind yourselves that your dark hearts, without inner purifications, will not become enlightened by the lamps".

This is the night for sincere repentance and meditation.
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Word significance

Post by saleemlakhani »

<P>In Quran, Allah uses different words to symbolize different concepts. In what meaning RAAT (night) is mostly used for?&nbsp;&nbsp;</P>
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Post by kmaherali »

The night usually refers to the period of darkness of ignorance. After the spiritual enlightenment which the night of Lail tul Qadr signifies, there is all light. The entire existence is transformed into the light of faith and knowledge.

Peer Sadardeen expresses these ideas symbolically in the Ginan "Noor Vela Noor Piyo" as under.

ejee nur vellaa nur peeyo, kareeyo man aanandjee
pop vellaa raakho, shaah peersu(n) sa(m)ba(n)dhajee
tame jaago jaago bhaaiddaa, rayann viyaanneeyaajee
tame cheto momanbhaaijee, rayann viyaanneeyaajee.............1

At the time of enlightenment drink the Light(of knowledge and wisdom i.e., the geenaans) and thus make your mind(heart) joyful. At the time of the blooming(of the soul), establish relationship with the Lord and the Guide.

O brothers! remain continuously awake(in knowledge and remembrance), so that the night(i.e., darkness of ignorance and heedlessness) may pass away. O momins! be vigilant, so that the night(of the soul) may pass away.

ejee bhanne peer sadardeen, hee jug paachhlee rahennee
sat keree vaatt kene veerle jaannee...tame jaago.............5

Peer Sadardeen teaches: this existence(in the company of the Guide) is like the last portion of the night(the dawn). Very few courageous souls have known the True Path. O brothers! remain continuously awake...

The same perspective and interpretation from the Quran is given in the following article from another website.

Layla tul Qadr - The Night of Power

Layla tul Qadr falls on the 23rd of Ramadan and this is significant event in Muslim history as not only did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) receive his first revelation that culminated in the Holy Quran, but this day marks the anniversary of his Prophethood on earth. Muslims all over the world spend this night in prayers as it holds special Barakah for those in prayer.

"In the name of God, the Beneficent the Merciful

"Indeed We sent it [the Holy Quran] down on the Night of Power. What will convey to you what the Night of Power is? Better is the Night of Power than a thousand months. In that Night the angels and the Spirit descend by the permission of their Lord for every errand. Peace it is, until the break of dawn."
- Quran, Chapter 97 Al-Qadr

Many interpreters of this verse in the Holy Quran state that thousand months is Allah's way of defining eternal time as it cannot be described in worldy time. A single moment of enlightenment of the Noor of Allah is better than a thousand months and such a moment of recognition converts the night into a period of Spiritual glory and majesty, and every one of us should try to work towards this.

When the night of spiritual darkness is removed by the Noor of Allah, a wonderful peace and sense of security arises in the soul which lasts until this physical life ends and the glorious day of the spiritual world dawns, when everything will be on a different plane and the nights and days of this world will seem less than a dream. This is the meaning of "until the rise of dawn" and not the literal interpretation as many may construe or understand it. Surely, Allah's realm/time span is larger.

Allah has says in the Quran: Rise to pray in the night except a little (73:1)

Allah ordered Prophet Muhammad (salwaat) to spend most of the night in worship in order that his Lord may lift him to a higher elevation. Hazrat Ali (salwaat) and others would join him for the nightly meditation (Baitul Khayal) and would be rising up in station and spirituality: Surely We will make to descend on you a weighty Word. Surely the rising by night is the firmest way to tread and the best corrective of speech. (73, 1-5)

Listen to Sura Qadr Audio File in MP3 Format

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad, praise and peace be upon him, said: "Whosoever offers voluntary prayers during the Night of Power out of belief and charging Allah with its recompense will have his past sins forgiven." - Hadith, compiled by Bukhari and Muslim

Dai Nasir-i Khusraw explains the significance of this night saying: " You illuminate the mosques on the Night of Qadr and make it as bright as the day, while your hearts are as dark as the darkest night. Know that illuminations are not enough. When you light the lamps, remind yourselves that your dark hearts, without inner purifications, will not become enlightened by the lamps".

The Glory and Majesty of this night cannot be explained in any human terms. This Night is an opportunity to open out our hearts unto Him Who revealed the Holy Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad, who kept Allah's message everliving and appointed his heirs, the Imams, as the carriers of the Divine mission. At Gadhir Khumm, Prophet Muhammed (salwaat) reminded the believers of the Holy Institution of Imamat, he said: "I am leaving behind me two weighty things. The Holy Quran and my posterity. Verily if you follow them both you will never go astray. Both are tied with a long rope and cannot be separated till the Day of Judgment." This night is therefore, not only the Anniversary Night of the Holy Quran, but it is also the Anniversary of Hazrat Nabi Muhammad's Prophethood.
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Post by kandani »

Another interpretation:

We are in Laylat-ul Qadr right now.

The Night of Qadr also refers to the current religious Cycle (beginning from Adam and continuing onwar).

"By the Dawn and the Ten Nights.." - Holy Quran

There have been 10 Time Periods or Nights in the Cycle of Religious History. We are currently in the Tenth Night or Cycle - which is called Laylal-ul Qadr.
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Post by Admin »

Significance of the Chantas performed during this Night of Power
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Post by Firukurji »

Is Lailatul Qadr on the night of Monday the 22nd of Sept. falling onto the day of Tuesday the 23th, as stated on the front page of this website or Tuesday the 23th of Sept. night falling onto Wednesday ?
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Post by Admin »

Firukurji wrote:Is Lailatul Qadr on the night of Monday the 22nd of Sept. falling onto the day of Tuesday the 23th, as stated on the front page of this website or Tuesday the 23th of Sept. night falling onto Wednesday ?
IN Kenya, it is the night of Monday, falling into Tueday.
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Post by kmaherali »

Firukurji wrote:Is Lailatul Qadr on the night of Monday the 22nd of Sept. falling onto the day of Tuesday the 23th, as stated on the front page of this website or Tuesday the 23th of Sept. night falling onto Wednesday ?
In Canada it is on Tuesday night falling into Wednesday.
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Post by AsadALLAH »

Why do some Countries have it on Monday and other Countries have it on Tuesday? :?

is it paap (Sin) not to stay up all night? I'm thinking about doing the big 12:00 tasbih and going home from there.
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Post by From_Alamut »

AsadALLAH wrote:Why do some Countries have it on Monday and other Countries have it on Tuesday? :?
Because there are difference time between countries, for instance when there is day time in west, in east it is night time. So, Lailatul Qadr suppose to take place at night.. let say Lailatul Qadr is on monday night in east in its original date, but in west it is day time then it falls into tuesday night.
AsadALLAH wrote:is it paap (Sin) not to stay up all night? I'm thinking about doing the big 12:00 tasbih and going home from there.

It is better that you sacrifice your bed and sleep in one holy night of POWER in the name of the MOST HIGH and therefore he will Inshallah Forgive all your preview sins. Lailatul Qadr is better then any other thousand nights.

I remember one of quote of our beloved Imam Ali (Peace be Upon him and his family ) said that "Sleeping is also sister of dead." that helped me to stay over.......Thanks to Allah Taala that night I stayed until morning in Jamat Khana with all my friends and then in morning I went to collage, after I come back home i went straight to bed and after I had a quiet and peace full sleep. Alhumduallah, it was one of the best night that I ever did a good abadat that i will never forget it.
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Post by kmaherali »

The Holy Qur’an, Lailat al-Qadr and Forgiveness
Posted by Malik Merchant, Editor under Uncategorized

Lailat al-Qadr, the Night of Power, marks the night in which the Holy Qur’an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) by Allah. There are different traditions regarding the exact night, but it is almost unanimous that the blessed night occurs in one of the last ten odd nights of the month of Ramadan. The Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims celebrate the night on the 23rd of the month (August 22 for 2011), with many Jamats worldwide spending the whole night in prayer and supplication. The Holy Qur’an refers to the spiritual barakah this night offers in the following five verses of Surah al-Qadr:

“We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:
And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah’s permission, on every errand:
Peace!…This until the rise of morn!” – 97:1-5

Our first reading for Lailat al-Qadr thus reflects on the Holy Book, which His Highness the Aga Khan referred to as an “inexhaustible well-spring of inspiration” in a speech he delivered in London. Please click The Noble Qur’an for the speech excerpts.

Lailat al-Qadr is also a good time to ask for forgiveness, and the second piece by Khalil Andani explains the significant practice of forgiveness among the Ismailis, with the discussion primarily focusing on the act of seeking forgiveness from the Imam of the Time. Please click Seeking the Forgiveness of the Imam of the Time: A Short Explanation.
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Why Ismailis celebrate Lailat al-Qadr on 23 day?

Post by agakhani »

Most of Ismailis are celebrating Lailat al-Qadr tonight, many many Mubarakis for that, may mowla bapa full fill their wishes tonight.

After reading articles related this festival I have few questions in my mind.

1,Why we Ismaili celebrate Lailat al-Qadr on 23 day of Ramadan, and other Muslims celebration on different days? some are celebration on 26th 27th, and 29th day of Ramadan.
2, Allahtala mention 10 nights in Quran, which ten nights Allahtala reffering about?
3, Does Lailat al-Qadr's night is one of them?
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Re: Why Ismailis celebrate Lailat al-Qadr on 23 day?

Post by kmaherali »

agakhani wrote: 1,Why we Ismaili celebrate Lailat al-Qadr on 23 day of Ramadan, and other Muslims celebration on different days? some are celebration on 26th 27th, and 29th day of Ramadan.
It is as per guidance of the Imam according to one of the articles. I think so long as we are always consistent, the actual night does not matter.
agakhani wrote: 2, Allahtala mention 10 nights in Quran, which ten nights Allahtala reffering about?
3, Does Lailat al-Qadr's night is one of them?
The ten nights can be interpreted as 10 phases of our history as promulgated by the 10 avatars.

Laila a; Qadr is the tenth night and is the present one promulgated by Nakalnki Avatar (Hazarat Ali). It is called the Night of Power because it the current one and contains the possibilities of spiritual enlightenment. The other nights have passed.
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Post by shiraz.virani »

I read that according to the Shia belief this night actually coincides with the night Imam Ali [as] was attacked while worshipping in the Great Mosque of Kufa, and died on the 21st of Ramadhan. Shia muslims worship and regard these three nights[ie 19th, 21st and 23rd] of great reward and worship but to be the night the Quran was revealed to angel Gabriel is 23rd of Ramadan.

And arent we the most fortunate ones that of all the religions its only islam that is bestowed with this spiritual night ?? :)

And isnt it strange that the night of power is celebrated @ ODD days i.e either 21st, 23rd,25th,27th or 29th ??
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Post by agakhani »

The ten nights can be interpreted as 10 phases of our history as promulgated by the 10 avatars.
If, I accept your above interpretation then it make me believe that Allahtala already mentioned about 10 incarnation in Quran, am I right? if yes then obviously the theory of 10 incarnation of our pirs quoted in many ginans are true and correct!! but then why other Muslim brothers doesn't interpret it that way, the way you interpret above? Do you have any other proof for this?
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Post by Admin »

From the balcony of his palace, Imam Hakim made a declaration to thousands of people: "I am the tenth manifestation of God"

Historians said he was mad. Ismailis say he was telling the truth which non-Ismailis could never understand. (Sharia and Haqiqah are two paths worlds apart, they shall never meet)

But The Imam made this declaration in a gathering of thousands where not even one was Hindu or Khojas, they were all Arabs.

There are many books telling about this. declaration of the Imam. You can find it in Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, volume 6 page 254,

also in Aziz, Philippe. "Les sectes secrètes de l'Islam: de l'Ordre des Assassins aux Frères Musulmans." Paris: Robert Laffont, 1983. About 90 pp. on the Ismailis, including annexes.
Last edited by Admin on Sun Nov 29, 2015 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by agakhani »

Imam Hakim made a declaration to thousands of people: "I am the tenth manifestation of God"
That is interesting Admin, this is my second surprise so far for today, I will Google and find out that book you mentioned in your post and definitively read it.
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Post by kmaherali »

agakhani wrote: If, I accept your above interpretation then it make me believe that Allahtala already mentioned about 10 incarnation in Quran, am I right? if yes then obviously the theory of 10 incarnation of our pirs quoted in many ginans are true and correct!! but then why other Muslim brothers doesn't interpret it that way, the way you interpret above? Do you have any other proof for this?
Qur'an is open to all kinds of interpretations to suit the intellectual needs of each Muslim. No Mulsim can accuse another one for misinterpreting it. There has been discussion and articles on this subject at:

Anecdotes --> The DARSHAN OF DAS AVTAAR ... opic&t=344
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Post by agakhani »

Thanks for the decent answer Kbhai, but most of Muslims brothers interpret it as these 10 nights are last 10 nights of month of Ramadan.
but I really like the story of Mr. Jafferali Laji after he was converted from Hinduism.
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Post by kmaherali »

Laylat al-Qadr: Qur’&#257;nic Revelation and Prophetic Inspiration ... spiration/
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Post by nuseri »

I have heard maybe from Al Waezs or a Farman reading in JK,that Imam SMS(s.a) or other Imams
has said that for for a Haqiqati Momin,every night is a "night of power". If indeed if it was said.What does Imam means?
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Post by hussainkhan55 »

Ok so we have so far been discussing about the significance of Lailtul Qadr and its interpretation in the light of Ismaili faith.
I am here to discuss another aspect of LAil tul Qadr i.e. Chhanta. Actually, i attend DArkhana JK in KArachi and had observed in last three years that the Chhanto has not been practised here whearas it should be practiced in this part of the world. Whether its my fault that i am ignorant about the timings of Chhanto and hence fail to attend it due to my ignorance or the authorities in our JK fails to arrange the Chhanta which in the latter case i think is tantamount to deliberately ignoring a vital ritual!!!!!!! Adding to the irony, that to in DARKHANA JK!!!!!!!!. I think its my fault that i am not physically present at the time of practising ritual which seems a lesser preposterous option.Anyways, can anyone please enlighten me about the whole process i.e. whether it takes place right after the evening prayers i.e when the jamat disperses OR it takes place somewhere during the all-night majlis. Upon asking a volunteer i was replied that THERE IS NOT GOING TO BE AN ALL NIGHT MAJLIS IN DARKHAN JK today. Also, my sister who seldom travels to Vancouver has said there is in fact an all-night majlis where tasbihat are offered but was flabbergasted when i mentioned about Chhanto (Lail tul Qadr) she was perplexed as if she was not aware about it which means it is not observed in Canada too as per my whatever little knowledge i have. Please can any one tell me at which time Chhanto takes place in Karachi JK DARKHANA and is there an all-night majlis or THERE IS NO SUCH CONCEPT OF IT!!!!!!!! Please prove the latter statement wrong. PLEASE guide me as i am in pricks and needles after not been able to attend Lail tul Qadr majlis and i have no other medium to address this issue othe than posting here. I NEED HELP!!!!
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Post by Admin »

Chanto is performed in Canada in the Layl ul Kadar Mijlas (1st and 2nd Mijlas up to about 11pm)
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Post by hussainkhan55 »

But Mr. Admin is it practised in KHI DARKHANA JK. This is what exactly i am trying to ask. Thanks for the reply yet.
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Post by agakhani »

In USA where I lives there was and still is Chhanta ceremony after two du'a performed in Laitul Qadra night and this ceremony continues till 12.00 a.m. so that the late commers who have evening jobs also can take vantage of Chhanta.
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Post by a.poonjani »

can anyone please let me know any farman or event where imam asked us to celebrate lailat ul qadar on 23rd of ramdan..
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Post by zznoor »

Ramadan is for fasting and nights are for performing Tahajjud Namaaz, reading Quran and remembering Allah.

Lailatul Qadra can happen any time, espicially last 10 nighta and perticularly odd nights. Those who fix it on 23 or 27 base it on Ahadith during Prophet's time.
Allah wants you to remember him in whole Ramadan not on one night only.

Ramadan Kareem
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Post by Admin »

The difference betwen Ismailis and other branches of Islam is that ismailis know which is the Night of Power under the historical guidance of the previous Imams. Such an important Night!
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Post by agakhani »

Ismailis in Amercia and Canada are celebration Laitul Qadra to night, while this night is very important in many ways but many jamati members thinks that this night is just for dasond* only but that is not true besides dasonds we can also take 16 different chhantas tonight, the list of these chhanta are as below, so, please recall these chhanta in your mind before you go for Chhanta.

1, Seeking forgiveness for failing to repent.
Tauba no chhanta

2, Seeking forgiveness for errors in Dasond
Dasond ni Bhul chuk no chhanto.

3, Seeking forgiveness for irregularity in performing daily 3 times prayers.
Tran vakht ni dua no bhul chuk no chanto

4, Seeking forgiveness fo our sins
Guna ni Bakshamani no chhanto

5, Seeking forgiveness for secret sins
Gupt guna no chhanto

6, Seeking forgiveness for sins from past four yugs ( lives )
char Jug no chhanto

7, Seeking forgiveness for promise made prior to birth.
Girbhavas no chhanto

8, Seeking forgiveness for having deviated from the straight path.
Pul Sirat no chhanto

9, Seeking forgiveness for acts which prevent us from experiencing noor
Roshnai no chhanot

10,Seeking mercy from the pain of exiting from the body
Ghor Bhid no chhanto

11,Seeking mercy at the time of accountability
Kabar na puchhana no chhanto

12, Seeking mercy during the journey leading to the first destination
Paheli Manzil no chhanto

13, Seeking mercy during the journey leading to the second destination.
Biji Manzil no chhanto

14, Seeking mercy in passing through 19 checkpoints
Ognis tol no chhanto

15, Seeking mercy in passing through 52 narrow passages
Bavan Ghati no chhanto

16, Chhadidar no chhanto ( specialy for Mukhi?Kamadia Saheban)

17, Mahadan no chhanto ( day of judgment )

-It is also true that if you do Bandgi/Ibadat tonight you will receive 1000 nights benefits.
- AS per Rai Abu Ali. recite Allah's 99 names 101 times if possible and if it not possible then recites at least 3 times Allah's names tonight, you will receive a big swab for reciting 99 names.

* One important clarification about Dasond:-

Many peoples think that "dasond no chhanto" is for they missed dasond from their income , but actually this chhanta is for errors we made in putting correct dasong, not all the dasond. Dasond is obligatory in our sect.
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